Switches are getting discovered even-though there is a mismatch of host names between "json" and "Actual switch host name"
Article ID: 323694
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Symptoms: Switches are getting discovered even though there is a mismatch of hostnames between "JSON" and "Actual switch hostname"
Below is the sample of the ossue noticed
######### In JSON file has the switch name as below. "id": "Leaf-2", "name": "sc2-t1-s5224-l2", However on the switch the name is configured as : sc2-t1-s5148-l2# show startup-configuration ! ip vrf default ! exec-timeout 0 hostname sc2-t1-s5148-l2 ######## In the switch, there is a mismatch between the switch names in JSON and on the physical switch but it is still getting discovered.