Enabling log level and collecting support bundle on SFD using CLI
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Enabling log level and collecting support bundle on SFD using CLI


Article ID: 323692


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Enabling log level on SFD would provide granular log information to identify the issue. Below is the CLI method to enable log level

login to the root mode 
sfd> log level list
| Service Name                | Log Level |
| config-builder-service      | INFO      |
| fabric-orchestrator-service | INFO      |
| host-network-service        | INFO      |
| infra-processors            | INFO      |
| notification-service        | INFO      |
| rest-api                    | INFO      |
| switch-manager-service      | INFO      |
| system-controller-service   | INFO      |
| topology-service            | INFO      |
| telemetry-collector-service | INFO      |
| telemetry-service           | INFO      |

We can enable log level to either one of the below

  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • debug
  • trace

We can enable the able mentioned log level for any of the services or for all services as shown below

sfd> log level set --service all --level debug
| Service Name                | Status  |
| config-builder-service      | success |
| fabric-orchestrator-service | success |
| host-network-service        | success |
| infra-processors            | success |
| notification-service        | success |
| rest-api                    | success |
| switch-manager-service      | success |
| system-controller-service   | success |
| topology-service            | success |
| telemetry-collector-service | success |
| telemetry-service           | success |

To verify if the debug is enabled below is the command to verify

sfd> log level list
| Service Name                | Log Level |
| config-builder-service      | DEBUG     |
| fabric-orchestrator-service | DEBUG     |
| host-network-service        | DEBUG     |
| infra-processors            | DEBUG     |
| notification-service        | DEBUG     |
| rest-api                    | DEBUG     |
| switch-manager-service      | DEBUG     |
| system-controller-service   | DEBUG     |
| topology-service            | DEBUG     |
| telemetry-collector-service | DEBUG     |
| telemetry-service           | DEBUG     |

Collecting logs via CLI from root mode of SFD 

​​​​​​​sfd> support bundle create

Creating support bundle. It will take few minutes to collect data
Collect system commands
Collect Kubernetes commands

Collect SFD services stats
Collect config data
Collect log files

Successfully created support bundle support_bundle_17-04-2021_15-43-09.tar.gz at /data/nfc_support_bundle/ path