[VMC on AWS] Unable to connect to VM web console - Error occurred while retrieving the web console URL
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[VMC on AWS] Unable to connect to VM web console - Error occurred while retrieving the web console URL


Article ID: 323633


Updated On:


VMware Cloud on AWS


  • After upgrading the SDDC to version 1.20, unable to take the web-console of VMs from VC. 
  • Privileges granted to any user at the folder level will report this issue 
  • The user having folder level access and attempting to Login via HTML5 Client will have Access issues. 
  • Error while accessing the console: 
  • "An error occurred while retrieving the web console url"




The request fails because the user does not have permission to query the host property



This issue is fixed in SDDC version SDDC 1.22


Provide read-only access to the impacted group/users at the ESXi level.

Reference: Assign Permissions to a User for an ESXi Host in the VMware Host Client