HCX - Unable to modify/delete policy-route
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HCX - Unable to modify/delete policy-route


Article ID: 323585


Updated On:


VMware HCX


This document is created as a reference for the HCX UI behavior and how to fix that.

When using HCX, Network Extension (NE) policy-routes cannot be modified or updated through wizard.

- Prefix addition in HCX Policy Routes doesn't trigger an API call to NSX-T until the "Submit" button is clicked.
- Adding both valid and invalid prefixes and then clicking "Submit" results in a failed NSX-T put call (500 error), with neither prefix programmed in the NSX-T manager Tier-0 prefix list.
- Removing the invalid prefix and leaving only the valid one allows a successful NSX-T put call upon clicking "Submit," programming the valid prefix into the NSX-T manager Tier-0 prefix list.


If invalid routes are added in HCX UI then customer won't have the capability to modify (add/remove) the policy route. This is a known issue in HCX 4.8


Customer would have the capability to add/remove valid or invalid prefix. This issue will be fixed in upcoming HCX release.

Review the cloud HCX web.log and remove all the invalid prefix from HCX UI.

Log Snippet for reference :
admin@hcx [ /common/logs/admin ]$ grep "BAD_REQUEST" web*

web.log:2024-01-24 18:02:42.512 UTC [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-8, Ent: HybridityAdmin, , TxId: TxId: 2e01a833-6ee6-41a6-8ee2-f2cf434b45af] ERROR c.v.h.n.util.NetworkExtensionUtils- Failed to create prefix list for tier0 TNT43-T0 policy routes. Response: {"status":"failure","statusCode":400,"details":"","result":{"httpStatus":"BAD_REQUEST","error_code":503041,"module_name":"Policy","error_message":"Invalid network CIDR\/1."}}

Additional Information


  • This is purely an UI issue for HCX.
  • There will be NO impact in HCX functionality including Migration/Network Extension.


Below is the screenshot from Browser Developer Console, confirming the invalid prefix.