Tenant Administrators are able to create classes and assign instructors. Once a class is created, an automated e-mail can be sent to instructors with details of the class.
To enable automated e-mail alerts to instructors, please follow the below steps:
1. Go to Tenant Management è Settings è Instructor Options
2. Enable “Send Mail to Instructor on Class Creation”
Next, you can configure the e-mail sent to instructors within the same menu by going to E-Mail è Instructor Class Created E-Mail, and selecting “Customize”. Within this setting, you can customize the return address, title, and body of the email.
The body of the e-mail can be customized with the help of the following tokens:
· [tenantName] Unique tenant name subscribed to VLP
· [startDate] Class start date
· [endDate] Class end time
· [numberOfSeats] Number of students allowed for the class
· [classUrl] URL of the class
· [labName] Lab associated with Class
· [numberOfStudents] Number of students attending the lab
· [classId] Unique Class ID
· [className] Class name
· [instructorFirstName] First name of the instructor
· [instructorLastName] Last name of the instructor
Once you have finished customizing, save the changes and the instructor email alert automation is ready to use.