VMware Lab Platform Troubleshooting Console Slowness
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VMware Lab Platform Troubleshooting Console Slowness


Article ID: 323565


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VMWare Hands-on Labs


Students can use VLP’s built in Speedtest tool, and Tenant Administrators can enable Console connection monitoring to narrow down the issue.

Although the VMware Lab Platform (VLP) has been optimized for world class performance, sometimes users could experience slowness due to latency in their network.


The speed test can be accessed from below location (use applicable tenant name):  

The speed test will assist in evaluating any potential performance issues you are 
experiencing which could be related to network bottlenecks. The test is run three consecutive times, connecting to a different server each time. Latency (delay) is tested first, followed by speed (bandwidth).

Recommended Scores : 
Latency - A good latency score would be less than 300 ms; the lower the better.
Speed - A good speed score would be greater than 1.5Mb/s; the higher the better.

If you are experiencing any issues, please do the below in an effort to alleviate: 
  • Clear your browser cache and cookies.
  • Pause / avoid using high bandwidth consuming applications like Video streaming, web conferencing, downloads, system updates, etc.
  • If you are on a wireless network and there are potential issues due to range, try switching to a LAN (wired) network.
  • Disconnect from any VPN network (if applicable).