"NSX was not able to fetch the information about latest Pre-Upgrade" observed while running upgrade pre-checks in NSX-T
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"NSX was not able to fetch the information about latest Pre-Upgrade" observed while running upgrade pre-checks in NSX-T


Article ID: 323538


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • NSX 4.1.1 or higher.
  • Air-gapped NSX deployment is being upgraded.
  • While running upgrade pre-checks, you may observe the following:

NSX was not able to fetch the information about latest Pre-Upgrade bundle released after the version <version> from the VMware Download Site. Please manually verify if a newer version of the Pre-Upgrade bundle (PUB) is available. It is recommended to run pre-checks with the latest Pre-Upgrade bundle before starting the upgrade to avoid any potential issues. Ignore if already done.



VMware NSX 4.1.1


  • This warning message is expected to be reported by upgrade pre-check on air-gapped NSX Manager. 
  • Message prompts to user to manually check and validate if there is a new version of a PUB file available, and use this (latest) PUB file.
  • If the PUB used is the latest one available, this message can be ignored.