Detail a known condition for more rapid resolution.
- vSphere with Tanzu fails to provision PersistentVolumeClaims due to errors like: "Failed finding candidate datastores to place volume"
- TKC's or ClassyClusters fail to create when ephemeral volume mounts are configured on the Guest Cluster.
- When describing the PVC from Guest or Supervisor Cluster, users will see the following status:
# kubectl describe pvc -n test-namespace test-cluster-mzs2s-2bbs9-containerd
Name: test-cluster-mzs2s-2bbs9-containerd
Namespace: test-namespace
StorageClass: tanzu-storage-policy
Status: Pending
Labels: <none>
Finalizers: []
Access Modes:
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Mounted By: <none>
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal ExternalProvisioning 3m50s (x43 over 13m) persistentvolume-controller waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner "" or manually created by system administrator
Normal Provisioning 18s (x11 over 13m) csi.vsphere.example.com_42013b0be336cba14b73628e6f1f83e6_260e10a2-####-####-####-##########41 External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim "test-namespace/test-cluster-mzs2s-2bbs9-containerd"
Warning ProvisioningFailed 18s (x11 over 13m) csi.vsphere.example.com_42013b0be336cba14b73628e6f1f83e6_260e10a2-####-####-####-##########41 failed to provision volume with StorageClass "tanzu-storage-policy": rpc error: code = Internal desc = Failed finding candidate datastores to place volume. Error: No candidates datastores found in the Kubernetes cluster
- The vsphere-csi-controller logs report messaging like:
{"level":"error","time":"2023-08-11T06:56:51.376506933Z","caller":"wcp/controller.go:336","msg":"Failed finding candidate datastores to place volume. Error: No candidates datastores found in the Kubernetes cluster"