HCX - Datastore and Folder options are lost when attempting to edit a single VM entry within a migration draft group
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HCX - Datastore and Folder options are lost when attempting to edit a single VM entry within a migration draft group


Article ID: 323363


Updated On:


VMware HCX


To document an issue with HCX 4.8 software


With HCX 4.8 software, Datastore and Folder options are lost when attempting to edit a single VM entry within a migration draft group

In the following screenshot an HCX migration mobility group is created successfully with two or more VMs. Global values for placement, switchover, interconnect and extended options are selected and saved. The global datastore and folder options are displayed for each individual VM within the migration group

At this point, when attempting to edit the draft for a single VM the folder is not visible for the VM

When running validation, an error is seen for all VMs in the group that the storage option was not configured

It was observed that the datastore issue is always present when editing the draft group, while the folder issue happens on the second attempt of editing the draft group


This issue is fixed in HCX software version 4.9.0 or higher

From the migration UI the user must re-enter all of the options for all of the VMs in the migration group

Additional Information

This issue happens when the user edits the options for an individual VM. When the user edits the options in the global Transfer and Placement section, the options remain persistent even after trying to edit

When the issue is experienced, the user must re-enter all of the options for all of the VMs in the migration group 

Note: The same issue is also faced when creating a draft group using powerCLI. The user would have to manually go  into the UI to workaround the issue