After vCenter Server certificate is replaced, compute manager connection is "Down" on NSX UI
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After vCenter Server certificate is replaced, compute manager connection is "Down" on NSX UI


Article ID: 323341


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • You have replaced vCenter Server certificates
  • On the NSX UI:
    1. Navigate to System > Fabric > Compute Manager
    2. Verity 'Down' in Connection Status
    3. Click Down in Connection Status column
    4. Check if you see Error similar to: Compute Manager {Compute Manager Host Name} cannot be connected, as its thumbprint does not match. Please edit compute manager details if thumbprint is changed. ​​​
  • In the NSX /var/log/cm-inventory/cm-inventory.log, you see entries similar to:
    <date><>  INFO inventoryTasksScheduler4 CmInventoryService 7538 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="cm-inventory"] Retrieved cm config info from cm plugin instance, cmPluginStatusData= CmPluginStatusData{id=<id>, server=<server name>.<domain>, cmPluginStatus=CmPluginStatusInfo{status=FAILED, cmConnectionStatus=DOWN, errors=[{"moduleName":"cm-inventory","errorCode":40107,"errorMessage":"Unable to connect to Compute Manager <server name>.<domain>. Please edit compute manager details if FQDN or thumbprint is changed. If the issue persists, please check whether the https port 443 and http port 80 are open in the firewall on all NSX nodes."}, {"moduleName":"cm-inventory","errorCode":40118,"errorMessage":"Compute Manager <server name>.<domain> can not be connected, as its thumbprint does not match. Please edit compute manager details if thumbprint is changed."}]}}


VMware NSX-T Data Center
VMware NSX


This problem occurs because the thumbprint of certificate that NSX Manager holds is different from the updated thumbprint following the replacement of vCenter certificates.


To restore Compute Manager connection:

  1. Navigate to System > Fabric > Compute Manager
  2. Select Compute Manager and Edit
  3. Enter correct thumbprint in "SHA-256 thumbprint" and Save

Alternatively, you can leave "SHA-256 thumbprint" and SAVE. UI will show error message with thumbprint.
For example:
Cannot register compute manager, server thumbprint is blank or empty. Found thumbprint ##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:##:## for server. If correct, please re-submit with this thumbprint (Error code: 7049)

To check thumbprint in vCenter Server Appliance Shell, run following command:
echo | openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256

Output Example:

If the thumbprint in the NSX dialog box does match the thumbprint from vCenter and still receiving the same error, then try to register vCenter in the same NSX dialog box using IP address(or if it was vCenter's IP address originally, then try FQDN instead). This will force NSX Manager to query vCenter for the thumbprint instead of comparing cached thumbprints.