Manually compact etcd keyspace history when auto compaction fails due to database space exhaustion
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Manually compact etcd keyspace history when auto compaction fails due to database space exhaustion


Article ID: 323060


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VMware vCenter Server


  • api-server logs would contain "etcdserver: mvcc: database space exceeded" which indicates storage space exhaustion.
  • Running etcdctl command from control plane VM to get endpoint status ("etcdctl endpoint status -w json") would report "alarm:NOSPACE" in the result


VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x


etcd maintains a history of its entire keyspace and this should be periodically compacted to avoid performance degradation and storage space exhaustion. auto compaction is enabled by default in the api-server. However within the compaction period, if etcd runs out of space (which might happen due to a burst of requests like a large number of pod creations), apiserver compaction never recovers.


To resolve this issue, run the etcdctl commands manually from the control plane VM:
  1. Compact etcd:
etcdctl compact revision_number

The above command will discard all etcd event history prior to the given revision (revision_number).

Note: The current revision of etcd server can be found in the "revision" key by running the command: "etcdctl endpoint status -w json". Compute the revision_number to be compacted by subtracting a constant (like 10000) from the current revision.
  1. Disarm the alarm:
etcdctl alarm disarm.