Deleting a datastore on a host fails with the error: Datastore is in use
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Deleting a datastore on a host fails with the error: Datastore is in use


Article ID: 323045


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


  • Cannot delete a datastore on the host.
  • You see the error:

    Cannot remove datastore ‘Datastore Name: VMFSuuid: *’ because file system is busy. Correct the problem and retry the operation.
  • Cannot delete dump files present in the datastore.


VMware vSphere ESXi 5.5


This issue occurs when an ESXi host is configured to send coredump files to a datastore in the event of a host panic. This feature prevents the coredump datastore from being removed.


To resolve this issue, verify the coredump location on ESXi host and remove the datastore from the host coredump configuration.

To verify the coredump location on an ESXi host:
  1. Log in to the host as root via console or SSH.
  2. Run this command to list the configured coredump file locations configured:

    esxcli system coredump file list
  3. Review the output to see if the datastore in question is listed.
  4. Continue this process on all hosts accessing the datastore.
To remove a datastore from a host coredump configuration:
  1. Log in to the host as root via console or SSH.
  2. Run this command to remove the coredump configuration:

    esxcli system coredump file remove --force

Additional Information

To configure ESXi to use an alternative datastore as a location for coredump file, see: Configuring ESXi coredump to file instead of partition