A planned migration fails with an incomplete recovery
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A planned migration fails with an incomplete recovery


Article ID: 323035


Updated On:


VMware Live Recovery



  • A planned migration fails with an incomplete recovery.
  • You see an error message similar to:

    Cannot unmount datastore <Datastore_name> from host <Hostname>. The resource <Datastore_name> is in use
  • In the Service Manager logs on the Data Recovery site, you see messages similar to:

    hostName = "esxi14.example.com",
    --> host = 'vim.HostSystem:host-56',
    --> datastoreName = "DATASTORE01_LUN3",
    --> datastore = 'vim.Datastore:datastore-67',
    --> msg = "Cannot unmount datastore 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' from host 'esxi14.example.com'. The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' is in use.",
    --> key = "com.vmware.vim.datastore.error.unmountVmfsVolumeFailed",
    --> arg = (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) [
    --> (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) {
    --> dynamicType = ,
    --> key = "name",
    --> value = "DATASTORE01_LUN3",
    --> },
    --> (vmodl.KeyAnyValue) {
    --> dynamicType = ,
    --> key = "reason",
    --> value = "storageIORMEnabled",
    --> }
    --> ],
    --> message = ,
    --> }
    --> ],
    --> type = ,
    --> name = "DATASTORE01_LUN3",
    --> msg = "The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' is in use."
    --> },
    --> hostName = "esxi15.example.com",
    --> host = 'vim.HostSystem:host-59',
    --> datastoreName = "DATASTORE01_LUN3",
    --> datastore = 'vim.Datastore:datastore-67',
    --> msg = "Cannot unmount datastore 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' from host 'esxi15.example.com'. The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' is in use.",
    --> }
    --> ],
    --> msg = "Cannot unmount datastore '
    DATASTORE01_LUN1' from host 'esxi14.example.com'. The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN1' is in use. Cannot unmount datastore 'DATASTORE01_DSC01_LUN1' from host 'esxi15.example.com'. The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN1' is in use. Cannot unmount datastore 'DATASTORE01_LUN2' from host 'esxi14.example.com'. The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN2' is in use. Cannot unmount datastore 'DATASTORE01_LUN2' from host 'esxi15.example.com'. The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN2' is in use. Cannot unmount datastore 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' from host 'esxi14.example.com'. The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' is in use. Cannot unmount datastore 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' from host 'esxi15.example.com'. The resource 'DATASTORE01_LUN3' is in use.",
    --> }


VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.x


This issue is caused when Storage I/O control is enabled on the datastore, which creates a mix of unprotected and protected virtual machines on same datastore.


To resolve this issue:

  1. Move the unprotected virtual machines to another datastore.
  2. Disable Storage I/O control on the datastore. For more information, see Troubleshooting Storage I/O Control (1022091).
  3. Perform a planned migration in Site Recovery Manager to verify.

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