Variables decrypted in VRA like minion encrypted variables are not decrypt by the SaltStack,
For example when using Blueprint
formatVersion: 1 inputs: localUserPass: type: string description: Local administrator account password. title: Local administrator account password minLength: 8 encrypted: true localUsername: type: string resources: Cloud_SaltStack_1: type: Cloud.SaltStack properties: hosts: - ${} masterId: saltstack_enterprise_installer stateFiles: - /add_user_local_admin/userone.sls saltEnvironment: sse variables: adminusername: ${input.localUsername} adminpassword: ${input.localUserPass} SSE state that is using the minion properties as pillar data ### add local admin {% set local_admin_username = salt.pillar.get('adminusername','') %} {% set local_admin_password = salt.pillar.get('adminpassword','') %} add_local_admin: user.present: - name: {{ local_admin_username }} - password: {{ local_admin_password }} - enforce_password: False - groups: - Administrators - Users When the SSE process that SLS the state runs succesfully, but the password is set as sting like (secret:v1:AAHsFAodadADvmmaadfd), not the value that was used in VRA Bleueprint.