How to change the default "Mail server" for the SAM console "mail" action in SMARTS
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How to change the default "Mail server" for the SAM console "mail" action in SMARTS


Article ID: 322951


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How to change the default "Mail server" for the SAM console "mail" action
How do I change the default Mail server for the SAM console mail action?

The "Male server" value is contained in the ics.conf file at the following location:


To ensure the default "Mail server" value in the local copy of this file is changed, use the following command: 

<BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/sm_edit conf/ics/ics.conf

Change the default SMTPServer value to the name of your mail server as in the following example ics.conf file excerpt:

# The name of the SMTP server to use for the console Mail action.
SMTPServer = "myMailServer";

Additional Information

The "Mail server" value should not be confused with the "mail notifier," which has its own configuration.  The mail notifier is the mail action which can be carried out by right clicking on a notification.  Also, the "Mail server" default  can be changed from the GUI by right clicking notification -> mail -> Configuration, then changing the Mail Server field to the required value. HOWEVER, this value is not retained when the SAM server is restarted and will default back to "localhost".