Smarts IP: What triggers a topology save (rps file) in Availability and Performance Manager Server?
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Smarts IP: What triggers a topology save (rps file) in Availability and Performance Manager Server?


Article ID: 322925


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


What triggers a topology save (rps file) in Smarts IP Availability and Performance Manager Server?

A Repository file gets saved under the following conditions:
  • After any type of discovery is finished, either from a rediscover, add agent, seedfile, or pending discovery
  • After executing a graceful shutdown of the Domain Manager, either using services or dmquit command: <BASEDIR>/smarts/bin/dmquit -s <servername>
  • A topology save command is manually executed as follows:  <BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_tpmgr -s <server name> --save
  • Autosave (rps files are autosaved every 6 hours). To change the autosave time setting, see 7078 .