How to convert auto-action.asl from Synchronous to Asynchronous in Smarts?
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How to convert auto-action.asl from Synchronous to Asynchronous in Smarts?


Article ID: 322923


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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How to convert auto-action.asl from Synchronous to Asynchronous in Smarts?

In the EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager Notification Adapters User's Guide.  It mentions the following:
"Script Notifier Adapter actions are synchronous; by default, automated Service Assurance actions are synchronous as well, but you can use asynchronous actions if you make minor modifications to the auto-action.asl file."
In order to make auto-action.asl to asynchronous: <BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_edit rules/ics/auto-action.asl
Add result_object following code for "result = mgr->getObjectActions(target);":
  result_object = create("ICS_ActionResult","ICS_ActionResult-AsyncAction-Result");
Change:   result = mgr->invokeSync(target,ActionID,params); To:   result = mgr->invokeAsync(target,ActionID,params, result_object);
Restart the adapter for the changes to take affect.