Increase the number of Discovery Threads
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Increase the number of Discovery Threads


Article ID: 322895


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance


To speed up discovery times, you can increase the number of Discovery Threads used in the IP domain server.

High avg_late_polling value detected.


10.x / TCSA 2.x


Insufficient discovery threads


  • Edit the discovery.conf file and change the value of the numberProbeThreads to a higher value from the default of 10. 
    According to the discovery.conf file the max threads one can use is 100.
    Please note: if you increase the thread count you may need to add more capable CPUs.
  • Restart the IP server.
  • This can also be accomplished via the command line using (However, it will reset when the domain is restarted):
    dmctl -s <DM> put ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager:: numberProbeThreads <value>

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