- When you register Update Manager with VCSA by running these commands, you see entries similar to:
root@vcsa [ ~ ]# /usr/lib/vmware-updatemgr/bin/updatemgr-util register-vc
2017-08-04T18:28:52.588Z Getting value for install-parameter: cm.url
Unable to find VUM extension registered with VC
- Unable to start the Update Manager Services. You will find the similar log entries when you try to start the Update Manager service in /var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/updatemgr-utility.log file
[2020-03-30 15:03:11,633 INFO] Adding VUM options in DB
[2020-03-30 15:03:11,935 INFO] Added VUM options in Database.
[2020-03-30 15:03:11,935 INFO] Successfully updated VUM extension with VC
[2020-03-30 16:21:19,769 INFO] Install Key store for Jetty
[2020-03-30 16:21:20,973 INFO] Keystore installed successfully.
[2020-03-30 16:21:21,336 ERROR] Unable to find VUM extension registered with VC
[2020-03-30 15:10:17:883 'JobDispatcher' 139826955921152 INFO] [JobDispatcher, 86] Creating instance of JobDi
[2020-03-30 15:10:17:883 'JobDispatcher' 139826955921152 INFO] [JobDispatcher, 129] JobDispatcher construct
[2020-03-30 15:12:22:666 'Activation' 139826955921152 ERROR] [activationValidator, 244] sysimage.fault.SSLCertificateError
[2020-03-30 15:12:22:666 'Activation' 139826955921152 ERROR] [activationValidator, 252] No started
[2020-03-30 15:12:22:666 'Activation' 139826955921152 INFO] [activationValidator, 257] Leave Validate. Failed