Patching the VMware vCenter Server Appliance from a Zipped Update Bundle (Version 6.0 Update1b and above)
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Patching the VMware vCenter Server Appliance from a Zipped Update Bundle (Version 6.0 Update1b and above)


Article ID: 322797


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server VMware vSphere ESXi 6.0 VMware vSphere ESXi 7.0 VMware vSphere ESXi 8.0


If your Internet access is restricted, you can set up your own internal repository for updates, instead of updating from a VMware public repository. You can download updates as a zipped update bundle from the Product Download page.

To patch the vCenter Server Appliance from a VMware public repository, see Configure the Repository for URL-Based Patching. To patch the vCenter Server Appliance from the virtual CD-ROM drive of the appliance, see Install vCenter Server Appliance Patches. For major upgrades to the vCenter Server Appliance, see Upgrading the VMware vCenter Server Appliance.



VMware vCenter Server 6.7.x

VMware vCenter Server 7.0.x

VMware vCenter Server 8.0.x


Procedure to patch using vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface (VAMI):

  1. Download the zipped updated bundle from the Web site.
  2. On your chosen web server, create a repository directory under the document root: for example, vc_update_repo.
  3. Extract the zipped bundle into the repository directory. The extracted files are in two subdirectories: manifest and package-pool.
  4. Open the management vCenter Virtual Appliance web interface on port 5480.
  5. In the Update tab, click Settings.
  6. Select Use Specified Repository.
  7. For the Repository URL, enter the URL of the repository you created. For example, if the repository directory is vc_update_repo, the URL should be similar to the following URL:
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Check Updates.
  10. Click Check URL.
  11. Under Available Updates, click Install Updates.
  12. Based on your requirement, select from the following options:
    • Install all updates.
    • Install third-party updates.

Procedure to patch using Command Line Interface:

  1. Download the zipped updated bundle from the Web site.
  2. On your chosen web server, create a repository directory under the document root: for example, vc_update_repo.
  3. Extract the zipped bundle into the repository directory. The extracted files are in two subdirectories: manifest and package-pool.
  4. Follow the steps mentioned in Stage patches to the vCenter Server Appliance topic to complete the patching procedure.