This issue occurs if another application is using TCP ports 80 or 443.
To resolve this issue, disable the conflicting service:
- Determine which application is using port 80 and/or 443.
Note: In Windows Server 2008 where User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, you will need to right click the cmd icon and Run as Administrator:
C:\> netstat -bano | findstr :80
C:\> netstat -bano | findstr :443
- If any results are returned, reconfigure the application to use another port, or uninstall the application.
Command results may appear similar to:
Where 4016 is the Process ID (PID) of the service or application listening on the conflicting port.
- To determine which service or application corresponds to the PID determined, run the command:
C:\>tasklist /svc | findstr 4016
svchost.exeNote: VMware recommends that vCenter Server be installed on a dedicated server to avoid conflicts or instability of the VirtualCenter Server service.