Generating a support bundle in vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 does not include archived logs
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Generating a support bundle in vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 does not include archived logs


Article ID: 322736


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


When you try to generate a support bundle for your vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 appliance, it does not include all archived logs.


VMware vCloud Usage Meter 4.x


The script that generates the support bundle does not include all archived logs.


To generate a support bundle including all of your vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 logs, do the following:
  1. Log in to your vCloud Usage Meter appliance as root.
  2. Enable SSH on the appliance.
service sshd start
Note: You can also enable SSH connection from the vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 web application, under Profile - > VAMI. Then, log in to VAMI as root and enable SSH under Access.
  1. Connect remotely to the appliance as usagemeter.
ssh usagemeter@um-appliance-ip
  1. Enter the usagemeter account password.
  2. Go to the directory where the script generating a support bundle is located.
    cd /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/scripts
  3. Edit the support bundle script:
  1. Press i to enter in interactive mode.
  2. Remove the following line from the script under "Collecting platform data files".
/usr/bin/tar -uf bundle.tar platform/log/vmware-um-schedule* platform/log/collection-*.log &>/dev/null
  1. Add the following line instead to the script.
/usr/bin/tar -uf bundle.tar platform/log/vmware-um-schedule* platform/log/collection-* &>/dev/null
  1. Save the changes to the script by entering ESC and writing the following in the prompt.
  2. Run the saved script.
  1. The support bundle will be created, and saved under /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/.
  2. Exit the ssh connection.
  1. Copy your support bundle to a local directory.
scp usagemeter@um-appliance-ip:/opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/<bundle-name> <local-directory-path>
  1. Log in to the appliance as root.
  2. Stop the SSH connection to your Usage Meter.
service sshd stop
Note: You can also disable the SSH connection to the appliance from the Usage Meter web application, under Profile - > VAMI. Then, log in to VAMI as root and disable SSH under Access.

Additional Information

The missing logs from the generated support bundle may hold valuable information for the cause of your vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 issue.