To generate a support bundle including all of your vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 logs, do the following:
- Log in to your vCloud Usage Meter appliance as root.
- Enable SSH on the appliance.
service sshd start
Note: You can also enable SSH connection from the vCloud Usage Meter 4.7 web application, under Profile - > VAMI. Then, log in to VAMI as root and enable SSH under Access.
- Connect remotely to the appliance as usagemeter.
ssh usagemeter@um-appliance-ip
- Enter the usagemeter account password.
- Go to the directory where the script generating a support bundle is located.
cd /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/scripts
- Edit the support bundle script:
- Press i to enter in interactive mode.
- Remove the following line from the script under "Collecting platform data files".
/usr/bin/tar -uf bundle.tar platform/log/vmware-um-schedule* platform/log/collection-*.log &>/dev/null
- Add the following line instead to the script.
/usr/bin/tar -uf bundle.tar platform/log/vmware-um-schedule* platform/log/collection-* &>/dev/null
- Save the changes to the script by entering ESC and writing the following in the prompt.
- Run the saved script.
- The support bundle will be created, and saved under /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/.
- Exit the ssh connection.
- Copy your support bundle to a local directory.
scp usagemeter@um-appliance-ip:/opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/<bundle-name> <local-directory-path>
- Log in to the appliance as root.
- Stop the SSH connection to your Usage Meter.
service sshd stop
Note: You can also disable the SSH connection to the appliance from the Usage Meter web application, under Profile - > VAMI. Then, log in to VAMI as root and disable SSH under Access.