Troubleshooting VMware Aria Automation 8.x (formerly vRealize Automation 8.x) upgrades
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Troubleshooting VMware Aria Automation 8.x (formerly vRealize Automation 8.x) upgrades


Article ID: 322708


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


  • This article provides steps to manually collect upgrade logs if the log bundle collection fails when a VMware Aria Automation upgrade fails.
  • When an upgrade fails, the following logs need to be analyzed:
/var/log/vmware/prelude/upgrade-*.log Upgrade reports. Review based
on timestamp

One node environment

Cluster environments

Packages installation details
/var/log/bootstrap/postupdate.log Initialization scripts details
/var/log/bootstrap/everyboot.log Initialization scripts details
/var/log/vmware/prelude/deploy-*.log Services startup details

Note: Some log files will have timestamps as part of the file name, for others the information is appended. It is important to validate that the information is from the latest upgrade attempt.


Upgrade Prerequisites

  1. Read the product release notes.
  2. Check Hardware requirements.
  3. Check the Services status.
  4. Ensure backups are available.
  5. Ensure a pre-upgrade snapshot is taken.

Trigger upgrade in Aria Suite Lifecycle

  1. Validate prechecks are successful.  

Upgrade Process Breakdown

  • Manifest is downloaded (upgrade-noop.log)  
  • Searches for the bootstap package and checks if ssh port is open and able to connect (update-datetime.log) 
  • Retrieves product version on all nodes
  • Performs Infrastructure health
  • Shuts down Infrastructure and Application services
  • Saves local restore point for k8s processes node data and activates monitor on all nodes
  • Once upgrade monitor is activated and the cluster nodes are removed successfully, it will proceed for installation.  This takes about 30 minutes. 
  • VAMI upgrade starts
  • Download of all packages happens (vami.log)
  • Once down, installation of packages starts (updatecli.log & postupdate.log)
  • Once completed, Appliance is rebooted and VAMI Upgrade is marked successful (update-datetime.log)
  • Cluster nodes are added back in and restore points are restored
  • Infrastructure and Application Services are started
  • Upgrade cleanup performed


VMware vRealize Automation 8.x
VMware Aria Automation 8.x


Manually collecting upgrade failure diagnostic information

  1. SSH to the VMware Aria Automation node indicated in the Aria Suite Lifecycle error.

  2. Validate that there is available disk space in the root partition (/dev/sda4) running the command vracli disk-mgr

    root@vranode1 [ /tmp ]# vracli disk-mgr
            Total size: 47.80GiB
            Free: 33.58GiB(70.2%)
            Available(for non-superusers): 31.13GiB(65.1%)
            SCSI ID: (0:0)
            Total size: 140.68GiB
            Free: 109.54GiB(77.9%)
            Available(for non-superusers): 102.32GiB(72.7%)
            SCSI ID: (0:1)
            Total size: 21.48GiB
            Free: 9.09GiB(42.3%)
            Available(for non-superusers): 7.97GiB(37.1%)
            SCSI ID: (0:2)
            Total size: 29.36GiB
            Free: 27.41GiB(93.4%)
            Available(for non-superusers): 25.90GiB(88.2%)
            SCSI ID: (0:3)
  3. Run the following command to collect the directories and logs related to the upgrade:

    mkdir /tmp/upgradelogs && cp -pR /var/log/vmware/prelude /tmp/upgradelogs && cp -pR /opt/vmware/var/log/vami /tmp/upgradelogs && cp -pR /var/log/bootstrap /tmp/upgradelogs && tar -zcvf /tmp/upgradelogs.tar.gz /tmp/upgradelogs
  4. Extract and continue the review with the collected file /tmp/upgradelogs.tar.gz  for the failure code or submit this data to Global Services for additional assistance in troubleshooting the upgrade.

  5. After extracting the file from the appliance, remove the file and directory to save disk space:
cd / tmp
rm upgradelogs.tar.gz
rm -r upgradelogs

Additional Information