NSX-T Data Center 2.5.x upgrade to 3.x Load balancer returns "502 bad gateway" when using load balancer rules
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NSX-T Data Center 2.5.x upgrade to 3.x Load balancer returns "502 bad gateway" when using load balancer rules


Article ID: 322660


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VMware NSX


The issue commonly occurs under the following conditions:

  • A recent upgrade from NSX-T Data Center 2.5.x to 3.x has been performed on the system
  • The network configuration uses load balancer rules for traffic routing based on destination port
  • After the upgrade, the load balancer VIP produces a 502 bad gateway error, whereas this functionality worked correctly prior to the upgrade
  • Testing reveals that connections function properly when bypassing the load balancer, indicating the issue is specific to the load balancer configuration


VMware NSX-T Data Center 2.5.x

VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x


Prior to NSX-T 3.x, the IP address and port were evaluated. When this issue occurs in 3.x, this evaluation fails to consider the destination port, therefore it can not make a match on the rule and the connection fails.


This issue is resolved in VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.1.2

Upgrade to NSX-T 3.1.2 where the correct evaluation of the header occurs for the load balancer rule.