This issue is resolved in VMware NSX 4.1.1, available at
VMware downloads.
This adds a Precheck which will detect if there is a Read-Only memory issue, to prevent upgrades from continuing and allow the transport node to enter an inconsistent state.
If the alert is detected by a Precheck, please reboot the host and rerun the prechecks.
- If you are planning to upgrade and wish to avoid this issue, please either upgrade to 4.1.1 or above or reboot the transport nodes before attempting the upgrade.
- If you have already started the upgrade and have encountered this issue, the transport node can be set to upgrade in non dual load mode, this means the previous version of VMware NSX VIBs will be removed and then the new ones installed. After the reboot of the transport node, create the following file:
#mkdir /tmp/nsx2
#echo '{"dual_load": false}' >/tmp/nsx2/debug
Then retry the upgrade of the transport node again from VMware NSX upgrade page.
Note: As we are creating the file in the
/tmp/ directory, make sure and do it after the reboot, as the reboot will remove files from the
/tmp/ directory.
Also, after attempting an upgrade and carrying out the recommended action from the
esxupdate.log '
It is not safe to continue. Please reboot the host immediately to discard the unfinished update.. Clean up the installation.', at this point the host may be in VMware NSX Maintenance Mode (MM), so when you attempt the upgrade again, the host may be skipped, please review the host and exit from VMware NSX MM, before attempting the upgrade again.