NSX-T N-VDS to VDS Migration pre-check fails: "Keep profiles consistent among transport nodes in the same NVDS"
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NSX-T N-VDS to VDS Migration pre-check fails: "Keep profiles consistent among transport nodes in the same NVDS"


Article ID: 322629


Updated On:


VMware NSX


The article provides information to help identify NVDS-UPGRADE precheck issues and to recommend a workaround which is reflected in the NSX-T 3.1 Administration Guide - Migrate Host Switch to vSphere Distributed Switch.


  • When attempting to migrate an N-VDS for the host switch to a vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) 7.0 or later, through vSphere Lifecycle Manager or manually through APIs the pre-check fails with the following error:
[{... 'Found inconsistent profiles: [Full long Network-Profile-IDs]. Uplink profile mismatch. Teaming mismatch. TransportVlan mismatch. ', recommendation='Keep profiles consistent among transport nodes in the same NVDS'}]
  • Note: The example above only shows Uplink profile, Teaming and TransportVlan mismatch, there can be a other possible inconsistencies, such as: VLAN; Uplink; NIOC; LLDP; MTU; etc.
  • A similar error can be found in/var/log/syslog:
  • 2022-10-04T11:49:50.524Z NSX 21075 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="WARNING" subcomp="manager"] NVDS-UPGRADE precheck issues [NvdsUpgradeConfigIssue{component='Uplink profile', objid='N-VDS-OVERLAY', error='Found inconsistent profiles: [########-####-####-####-##########86, ########-####-####-####-##########bf, ########-####-####-####-##########e5]. Uplink profile mismatch. Teaming mismatch. ', recommendation='Keep profiles consistent among transport nodes in the same NVDS'}]


VMware NSX-T
VMware NSX-T Data Center
VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x


This issue is expected, the URT (Upgrade Readiness Tool) API of POST https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/nvds-urt/precheck is a Data Center level validation. Therefore, if transport node(s) within the same Data Center have a different configurations, the precheck will fail because the migration from NVDS to VDS doesn't support the case that transport node configurations are not aligned.


As per the NSX-T 3.2 Administration Guide, starting with NSX-T 3.2.1, the tolerate_different_configurations=true API parameter was introduced and the pre-check run will not fail in case of incompatible configurations between transport nodes within an NSX-T Data Center environment. Instead, it will generate configuration issues, so you can check the incompatible configurations and determine whether you want to apply the topology or align configurations between transport nodes and run precheck again.

Note: The N-VDS to VDS migration tool is unavailable in NSX-T Data Center 3.2.0. If you want to migrate your workloads from N-VDS to VDS in this release, you will have to do so manually.

Address any configuration inconsistencies by aligning the Transport nodes under the same NSX-T Data Center environment with the same configuration such that all hosts belonging to a cluster have a consistent configuration and run the pre-check again.