Precheck fails while migrating NSX-T NVDS to VDS
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Precheck fails while migrating NSX-T NVDS to VDS


Article ID: 322582


Updated On:


VMware NSX Networking



  • You are running NSX-T version less than 3.2.2.
  • You are migrating the host switch from NVDS (NSX VDS) to CVDS (vCenter VDS).
  • The host that fails the precheck is a standalone host and is not part of a vCenter cluster.
  • Migration of switch fails with precheck status failed.
  • In the NSX manager log /var/log/proton/nsxapi.log you will see the the following error:
2022-09-01T15:59:48.261Z INFO http-nio- NvdsUpgradeReadinessCheckServiceImpl 10919 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" reqId="1d6b3dc9-b266-47c3-9669-3f075dd2ea44" subcomp="manager" username="admin"] NVDS-UPGRADE triggerNvdsUpgradePrecheck precheckStatus FAILED

2022-09-01T15:59:48.261Z INFO NvdsUpgradeTaskExecutor1 NvdsUpgradeReadinessCheckServiceImpl 18480 FABRIC [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager"] NVDS-UPGRADE exception in validateNvdsUpgradeConfig: java.lang.NullPointerException
  • As admin on the NSX-T manager, when you run the following pre check, it fails:
NSX-mgr01> vds-migrate precheck
GetVDSUpgradeSummary: {"precheck_id": "a2fa9275-d459-473a-b509-557eacfaa3da", "precheck_status": "FAILED"}


VMware NSX-T Data Center
VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.x


This issue occurs if the host is not part of any vCenter cluster and is a standalone host. Standalone hosts have a null payload in the internal DB and NSX-T incorrectly tries to process this entry, which results in the NPE (Null Pointer Exception).


This issue is resolved in NSX-T version 3.2.2, whereby NSX-T will correctly handle the null entry for the host. The host still needs to be part of a cluster in vCenter to be migrated.

Ensure all transport nodes are under a vCenter cluster prior migration of NVDS to VDS.