Title: Alarm for Autorecover failure of VTEP.
Event ID: tep_health.tep_autorecover_failure
Alarm Description
Steps to resolve
For 4.1.0 and higher
Recommended Action:
After fixing the underlay issue wait for next autorecovery attempt or invoke manual recovery through api: POST https://'nsx-mgr'/policy/api/v1/infra/sites/'site-id'/enforcement-points/'enforcementpoint-id'/host-transport-nodes/'host-transport-node-id'/vteps/actions
type: TransportNodeVTEPRecoveryRequest,
device_name: vmk10
and then check for local vtep state through api: GET: https://'nsx-manager'/api/v1/transport-nodes/'node-id'/network/interfaces?source=realtime
. It should show local vtep state as NORMAL.
sample output:
interfaceId: vmk10,
linkStatus: UP,
adminStatus: UP,
mtu: 1600,
interfaceAlias: [{
ipAddress: {
ipv4: 2239043120
ipConfiguration: STATIC,
macAddress: ##:##:##:##:##:a6
state: NORMAL
Is there a way to Work Around: No
Maintenance window required for remediation? Yes