:2023-09-30T07:34:44 <nsx-mnagaer-fqdn> NSX 27848 SYSTEM [nsx@6876 audit="true" comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" subcomp="manager"] UserName:'admin' ModuleName:'SERVICE' Operation:'DELETE@/api/v1/serviceinsertion/service-attachments/<service-attchment-uuid>' Operation status: 'failure' Error: There are InstanceEndpoints associated with ServiceAttachment <service-attchment-uuid>. Delete the InstanceEndpoint/s before attempting ServiceAttachment delete.
This issue occurs when attempting to delete Service insertion entities which still have dependencies.
This issue is resolved in VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.1
Review the configuration in the UI, System > Service Deployments > Deployments and System > Service Deployments > Service Instances and remove any dependencies, then attempt to remove the service attachment.
If this is still failing, contact Broadcom Support and refer to this KB article.