NSX-T Critical alarm indicates: LB Edge Capacity In Use High
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NSX-T Critical alarm indicates: LB Edge Capacity In Use High


Article ID: 322486


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VMware NSX



  • You have for example a large, Medium or Small Edge node with a Large, Medium or Small load balancer respectively. 
  • In the NSX-T manager UI under: Home, Alarms, you see a Critical alert for:
    • Feature: LB Edge Capacity In Use High
    • Description: The usage of the load balancer service in Edge node ########-####-####-####-############ is high. The threshold is 80%.
    • Recommended Action: Deploy a new Edge node and move the load balancer service from existing Edge nodes to newly deployed Edge node.

Note: Above ########-####-####-####-############ represents the Edge node UUID where the load balancer is deployed.


VMware NSX-T Data Center


The alarm threshold is set at 80%, so with the Edge node size and allowed load balancer size as per below table, the limit would always be breeched at 100% and generate the alarm:

Edge node size Load balancer size
Small Small
Medium Medium
Large Large
XLarge XLarge

The Edge nodes can only have a specific size load balancer, this depends on the size of the load balancer and the Edge node.
See configuration maxims page for details on number of load balancers allowed per Edge node and sizes allowed.
Maxims guide for NSX-T 3.1.2 Load Balancer

Use the following API to check the load balancer usage per NSX-T Edge node:
GET https://<nsx-t-manager-ip>/api/v1/loadbalancer/usage-per-node/<edge-node-uuid>

Sample result:
  "form_factor": "MEDIUM_VIRTUAL_MACHINE",
  "edge_cluster_id": "########-512e-4342-############",
  "current_credit_number": 10, ----->>>>> This is the number of load balancer credits for a medium NSX-T edge node
  "remaining_credit_number": 0, ----->>>>>> This indicates remaining load balancer credits for this medium NSX-T edge node
  "usage_percentage": 100.0, ----->>>>>> This indicates usage is at 100%
  "severity": "RED",
  "current_pool_members": 0,
  "current_virtual_servers": 1,
  "current_pools": 0,
  "current_small_load_balancer_services": 0,
  "current_medium_load_balancer_services": 1,
  "current_large_load_balancer_services": 0,
  "current_xlarge_load_balancer_services": 0,
  "remaining_small_load_balancer_services": 0,
  "remaining_medium_load_balancer_services": 0,
  "remaining_large_load_balancer_services": 0,
  "remaining_xlarge_load_balancer_services": 0,
  "remaining_pool_members": 2000,
  "type": "LbEdgeNodeUsage",
  "node_id": "########-14ab-11ec-a8d6-############"

Note: These maxims may differ, depending on versions, please check for the maxims allowed per your version.


Once these alarms are validated that the correct size load balancer is on the correct size Edge node, these alarms can be resolved.

Review the maxims guide and confirm the correct sizing is done per Edge node.

If you have a single LB instance (small/medium/large) in an NSX-T Edge Node of same size (small/medium/large); then deploy a new NSX-T Edge Node of a larger size and move the LB instance to that new Edge Node, this will provide extra capacity to add more load balancer instances, if required.

Note: In the case of an XLarge load balancer, only Bare-Metal Edge Nodes support multiple XLarge load balancers, therefore this workaround require Bare-Metal Edge Node in case of multiple XLarge load balancers.

Additional Information

If you are contacting Broadcom support about this issue, please provide the following:

  • NSX-T Manager logs.
  • Edge logs

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