NSX-T Firewall rules are not applied to physical device login/logout events using LogInsight events
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NSX-T Firewall rules are not applied to physical device login/logout events using LogInsight events


Article ID: 322469


Updated On:


VMware vDefend Firewall


  • The AD user login/logout events are not seen in the NSX-T Active IDFW Sessions tab of the NSX-T UI.
  • Firewall rules are not applied correctly to these sessions.
  • The login/logout events are correctly seen in Aria Operations for Logs.
  • In the NSX-T manager log syslog and nsxapi show the events received from Aria Operations for Logs:
2022-05-12T08:53:01.509Z  INFO http-nio- PolicyIdentityFacadeImpl 13474 FIREWALL [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" level="INFO" reqId="4d66c423-####-####-####-6e441441ffff" subcomp="manager" username="admin"] Received response for /api/v1/idfw/user-session-data as IdfwUserSessionDataAndMappingsDto{activeUserSessions='..........
IdfwUserSessionDataDto{id='ffccddvv-####-####-####-aa1227babe58', domainName='CORP', userName='username', userId='88779900-####-####-####-8cad2f9ef3ec', vmExtId='', userSessionId='-########', loginTime='1652345418586', logoutTime='1652345421706', sessionSource='ELS'}........


  • You are using NSX-T IDFW (Identity Firewall).
  • You are running VMware NSX-T Data Center 3.2.x and using Aria Operations for Logs to register the login/logout events from physical devices.
  • The AD (Active Directory) username may start with a upper case letter and the remainder are lowercase.


AD usernames are case insensitive, the IDFW logic is NOT case insensitive.


This issue is resolved in VMware NSX-T Data Center
This issue is resolved in VMware NSX

Ensure AD users login with the same case sensitivity as is in AD, if using Aria Operations for Logs to scrape these events.