- You are migrating your N-VDS to CVDS.
- During the migration, you encounter the following error:
Host configuration: host switch remove operation failed: [Failed to delete dvs [bf d5 72 51 46 23 45 64-9c 81 da 6d d6 ef 01 71]: {'faultMessage': ['Operation failed, diagnostics report: Unable to Remove Port; Status(bad0004)= Busy'], 'fault': 'PlatformConfigFault', 'msg': 'An error occurred during host configuration.'}]; Failed to create connection for vdrPort of dvs [bf d5 72 51 46 23 45 64-9c 81 da 6d d6 ef 01 71]; LogicalSwitch full-sync: LogicalSwitch full-sync realization query skipped.