If BGP Update packet size between Inter SR interfaces exceeds MTU along the datapath, the packet is dropped and Inter SR BGP peering will flap when trying to become established. Example command to check number of routes on T0:
edge(tier0_sr)> get route | count via
Number of lines that match pattern 'via': XXXX To verify that Update packets exceed MTU size,1. Get UUID of Inter SR HA interface:
edge(tier0_sr)> get interfaces
2. Exit to Edge shell and send packet capture at Inter SR port to file:
edge(tier0_sr)> exit
edge> set capture session 1 interface <UUID> direction dual
edge> set capture session 1 file <filename>
3. Examine packet capture in Wireshark. This KB is applicable to one or more UPDATE packets where the initial Update packet exceeds the MTU size:To check if there is any lower MTU along the network path:
1. Get the Inter-SR port MTU and perform a ping test with that packet size.
If the Inter-SR port MTU is 1500 and the Inter-SR neighbor address is, then run the following ping command:
edge(tier0_sr)> ping size 1500 dfbit enable
If the ping command is failing, then it means there is a lower MTU interface somewhere along the network path.
This scenario with the BGP routing UPDATE packet exceeding the MTU can occur when there are enough prefixes that make the Update packet size larger than the MTU.