VMware NSX Cluster status shows as UNAVAILABLE in the UI, but not in the CLI
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VMware NSX Cluster status shows as UNAVAILABLE in the UI, but not in the CLI


Article ID: 322435


Updated On:


VMware NSX Networking


  • You recently upgraded from NSX-T 3.2.x to VMware NSX 4.1.x and the Cluster status is showing UNAVAILABLE under System - Appliances.
  • However, as admin user, in the Cli, when running get cluster status, the cluster and all components up and stable.
  • Rebooting the VMware NSX Manager nodes, clearing browser cache or changing browser does not resolve the issue.
  • As root user on the VMware NSX manager in the log /var/log/proton/nsxapi.log we see the below:

2023-05-01T08:37:22.725Z ERROR http-nio- ClusterManagerUtil 4912 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" errorCode="MP2101" level="ERROR" reqId="xxxxxxxxxx" subcomp="manager" username="xxxxxx"] Request GET http://localhost:7989/api/v1/cluster-manager/status HTTP/1.1 failed, return code is 400
2023-05-01T08:37:22.725Z ERROR http-nio- ClusterManagerUtil 4912 - [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" errorCode="MP2121" level="ERROR" reqId="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" subcomp="manager" username="xxxxx"] Cluster status retrieved from cluster manager is empty

  • As root user on the VMware NSX manager in the log /var/log/cbm/cbm.log we see the below: - - [01/May/2023:08:37:23 +0000] "GET /api/v1/cluster-manager/status HTTP/1.1" 400 435 - - [01/May/2023:08:38:44 +0000] "GET /api/v1/cluster-manager/status HTTP/1.1" 200 25670

  • As root user on the VMware NSX manager in the log /var/log/cbm/tanuki.log we see the below:

INFO  | jvm 1  | 2023/03/11 12:50:50 | INFO: Error parsing HTTP request header INFO  | jvm 1  | 2023/03/11 12:50:50 | Note: further occurrences of HTTP request parsing errors will be logged at DEBUG level. INFO  | jvm 1  | 2023/03/11 12:50:50 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Request header is too large INFO  | jvm 1  |


VMware NSX 4.1.0


This issue occurs when the Request header is to large and the Cluster Boot Manager (CBM) is unable to process it.


This is a known issue impacting VMware NSX.


Please make sure you have a backup in place before proceeding.

Repeat the below steps 1 to 4 on each manager node as root user.
  • Copy the original file, as a backup, before editing:

mkdir /root/jarFileBackup

cp /opt/vmware/cbm/cbm-app/libweb-server-cbm.jar /root/jarFileBackup/

  • Ensure that libweb-server-cbm.jar is copied into jarFileBackup folder:
ls -l /root/jarFileBackup/


  • In order to edit the file, we will copy it again to another directory and unzip it: 

mkdir /root/jarFileUpdate

cp /opt/vmware/cbm/cbm-app/libweb-server-cbm.jar /root/jarFileUpdate/

cd /root/jarFileUpdate

unzip libweb-server-cbm.jar

  • Check the contents of the file, making sure max http header size entry application.properties is not present: 
cat application.properties
  • Append the value server.max-http-header-size=32KB to the file application.properties with below echo command : 
echo "server.max-http-header-size=32KB" >> application.properties
  • Verify the value has be added to the end of the file:
cat application.properties
  • Remove the old jar without header size info:
rm libweb-server-cbm.jar
  • Create new jar file with edited file and other original files:
zip -r libweb-server-cbm.jar *
  • Copy the new jar file to original location:
cp libweb-server-cbm.jar /opt/vmware/cbm/cbm-app/


  • Restart the CBM service to use the updated jar with increased header limit using below command 
/etc/init.d/nsx-cluster-boot-manager restart

NOTE: This step may incur some cluster downtime, due to the CBM service restarting and last until the service is backup and cluster is healthy again.


  • As admin user, check the cluster is healthy and all services are running and once cluster is up and healthy again, repeat steps 1 to 4 on the remaining manager nodes:

get cluster status

5.  The VMware NSX UI should now be showing the correct value.