POST https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/trust-management/certificates/<cert-id>?action=apply_certificate&service_type=LOCAL_MANAGER
Create a new Certificate and Reserve it for Local Manager.
Obtain the Site ID on the local manager, as root user:
cd /config/site-manager
cat siteId ->
this is the site ID for the local manager.
Then with the site ID and certificate ID for the new certificate, run the following API to reserve the new certificate for the Local manager site as root user:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'X-NSX-Username:admin' -d '{"service_type":"LOCAL_MANAGER","node_id":"<site-id>"}' "<cert-id>?action=reserve"
Note: Please review the Administration guide or further details on replacing a Federation certificate.
Impact/Risks: Unable replace the Local Manager Certificate.