Pre-upgrade checks failed for HOST: [UC] Error in rest call. url= /nsxapi/api/v1/transport-nodes/####-####-####-####-########/status , method= GET , response= { "httpStatus" : "NOT_FOUND", "error_code" : 29501, "module_name" : "HeatMap", "error_message" : "Transport node
not found" } , error= 404 : "{<EOL> "httpStatus" : "NOT_FOUND",<EOL> "error_code" : 29501,<EOL> "module_name" : "HeatMap",<EOL> "error_message" : "Transport node ####-####-####-####-########
not found"<EOL>}
GET https://{{MPIP}}/api/v1/transport-nodes/<Transport-Node-UUID>/state
"node_deployment_state": {
"state": "failed",
"details": [
"sub_system_id": "e3e12eca-####-####-####-########
"state": "failed",
"failure_message": "Failed to uninstall the software on host. Unable to connect the host https://10.#.#.#/sdk.\n",
"failure_code": 26020
"deployment_progress_state": {
"progress": 46,
"current_step_title": "Removing NSX bits"
This is a known issue impacting the NSX Data Center.
DELETE https://{{MPIP}}/api/v1/transport-nodes/<Transport-Node-UUID>?force=true&unprepare_host=false
GET https://{{MPIP}}/api/v1/transport-nodes/<Transport-Node-UUID>/state
The steps outlined in this article can be used to remove a decommissioned or stale host from VMware NSX.