Note: Please take snapshot of all vCenter Servers and PSC in Enhanced Linked Mode before proceeding with below steps. Recreating the identity source might impact vCenter Permissions, hence snapshot is important:
Perform below steps to resolve this issue :
- Delete the Identity source - IWA (Active Directory Integrated Windows Authentication, by connecting to WebClient -> Administration -> Configuration -> Identity Sources).
- Log in to the Platform Services Controller Appliance as root and activate the bash shell.
- Leave the domain by running the domainjoin-cli leave command.
- /opt/likewise/bin/domainjoin-cli leave
- Reboot the appliance.
- Delete the computer account on the Active Directory.
- Log in to the appliance again and enable the bash shell.
- Join to the domain by running the following command /opt/likewise/bin/domainjoin-cli join domain-name domain_admin_user.
Example: /opt/likewise/bin/domainjoin-cli join administrator
- Reboot the appliance.
- Recreate the Identity Source (by connecting to WebClient -> Administration -> Configuration -> Identity Sources)