While upgrading VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) to 4.4, you might observe ESXi hosts upgrade failure in a VSAN Cluster with below symptoms :
- ESXi host upgrade status shows as Failed with error message "VUM Remediation (installation) of an ESXi host failed" in SDDC UI Tasks pane
- Upgrade Status in SDDC UI shows failure as in below screenshot
- This issue is observed only on ESXi hosts in VSAN Cluster with NVMe controllers
- Verifying the ESXi host upgrade status from vCenter Server shows as upgrade completed successfully, however it doesn't Exit the host from Maintenance Mode automatically
- Manually Exiting the ESXi host from Maintenance mode works fine
- LCM log on SDDC Manager '/var/log/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm.log' shows errors similar to below snippets :
2022-02-15T22:11:23.436+0000 ERROR [vcf_lcm,45b1c7f7bedaf3e3,cf7f,upgradeId=4c8d5640-441a-####-####-########790a,resourceType=ESX_HOST,resourceId=46a48c28-c51f-####-####-########c9d,bundleElementId=3742fe8e-ea75-####-####-########6b5]
[c.v.e.s.l.p.i.e.EsxVumUpdateStageRunnerImpl,Async-10] Failed to install update due to unexpected error: VUM Remediate task failed: (vim.TaskInfo) {
key = task-149196,
task = ManagedObjectReference: type = Task, value = task-149196, serverGuid = 77c78dd1-f345-####-####-########634,
descriptionId = com.vmware.vcIntegrity.RemediateTask,
entity = ManagedObjectReference: type = HostSystem, value = host-16, serverGuid = 77c78dd1-f345-####-####-########634,
entityName = <fqdn>,
state = error,
error = (vim.fault.ExtendedFault) {
faultTypeId = com.vmware.vcIntegrity.HostPatchVsanHealthCheckFailureBeforeExitMM,
data = (vim.KeyValue) [
(vim.KeyValue) {
key = faultMessage,
value =
(vim.KeyValue) {
key = healthCheckStatus,
value = vSAN cluster is not healthy because vSAN health check(s): failed
- VMware Update Manager (VUM) log file '/var/log/vmware/vmware-updatemgr/vum-server/vmware-vum-server.log' on vCenter Server shows errors similar to below snippets :
2022-02-15T22:11:21.724Z info vmware-vum-server[09046] [Originator@6876 sub=VciRemediateTask.RemediateTask{281}] [vciTaskBase 1372] SerializeToVimFault fault:
--> (integrity.fault.HostPatchVsanHealthCheckFailureBeforeExitMM) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = <unset>,
--> healthCheckStatus = "vSAN cluster is not healthy because vSAN health check(s): failed"
--> msg = ""
--> }
--> Converted fault:
--> (vim.fault.ExtendedFault) {
--> faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
--> faultMessage = <unset>,
--> faultTypeId = "com.vmware.vcIntegrity.HostPatchVsanHealthCheckFailureBeforeExitMM",
--> data = (vim.KeyValue) [
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "faultCause",
--> value = ""
--> },
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "faultMessage",
--> value = ""
--> },
--> (vim.KeyValue) {
--> key = "healthCheckStatus",
--> value = "vSAN cluster is not healthy because vSAN health check(s): failed"
--> }