"Unable to retrieve OVF descriptor" and "Error during content upload: Timed out" errors when trying to upload an OVF or OVA to Cloud Director
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"Unable to retrieve OVF descriptor" and "Error during content upload: Timed out" errors when trying to upload an OVF or OVA to Cloud Director


Article ID: 322131


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • "Timed Out", "Unable to retrieve OVF descriptor", and "Error during content upload: Timed out" errors seen when trying to upload an OVF or OVA
  • The /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/logs/vcloud-container-debug.log file contains entries similar to:

| DEBUG | content-library-activity-pool2 | CreateLibraryItemActivity | [Activity Execution] Running phase: WaitForVAlcObjectCreationPhase - Handle: urn:uuid:xxxx-xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx, Current Phase: CreateLibraryItemActivity$WaitForVAlcObjectCreationPhase

| DEBUG | task-service-activity-pool-10 | ReceivingSocketImpl    | Resource my-vm-disk.vmdk not fully transferred yet (xxx,xxx,xxx/xxx,xxx,xxx) for transfer session <TASK_UUID>

| DEBUG | task-service-activity-pool-10 | ReceivingSocketImpl    | Resource my-vm-disk.vmdk not fully transferred yet (xxx,xxx,xxx/xxx,xxx,xxx) for transfer session <TASK_UUID>

| DEBUG | task-service-activity-pool-10 | ReceivingSocketImpl    | Resource my-vm-disk.vmdk not fully transferred yet (xxx,xxx,xxx/xxx,xxx,xxx) for transfer session TASK_UUID

| DEBUG | task-service-activity-pool-10 | ReceivingSocketImpl    | Resource my-vm-disk.vmdk not fully transferred yet (xxx,xxx,xxx/xxx,xxx,xxx) for transfer session <TASK_UUID>

  • Similar log messages as those above repeat until the failure:

| ERROR | task-service-activity-pool-10 | FutureUtil        | Transfer session: <TASK_UUID>, vApp/template: NewvApp. Unable to retrieve OVF descriptor.

| ERROR | task-service-activity-pool-10 | ReceivingSocketImpl    | Transfer session <TASK_UUID> no longer exists (timed out)

| WARN | task-service-activity-pool-10 | VAppUploadManagerImpl   | Transfer session: <TASK_UUID>. Error during content upload: Timed out.

com.vmware.vcloud.api.presentation.service.TimedoutException: Timed out.

    at com.vmware.vcloud.fabric.transfer.impl.ReceivingSocketImpl$FileImportResourceFuture.isDone(ReceivingSocketImpl.java:117)

    at com.vmware.vcloud.common.future.FutureUtil.waitForFutureOrCancel(FutureUtil.java:132)

    at com.vmware.ssdc.backend.services.impl.VAppUploadManagerImpl.handleContentUploaded(VAppUploadManagerImpl.java:3131)

    at com.vmware.ssdc.backend.services.impl.VAppUploadManagerImpl.handleUploadBody(VAppUploadManagerImpl.java:2002)

    at com.vmware.ssdc.backend.services.impl.VAppUploadManagerImpl.handleUpload(VAppUploadManagerImpl.java:1908)

    at com.vmware.ssdc.backend.services.impl.VAppUploadManagerImpl.executeTask(VAppUploadManagerImpl.java:4850)


| DEBUG  | task-service-activity-pool-10 | VAppUploadManagerImpl | Transfer session: <TASK_UUID>. vApp/template name: NewvApp. Marked vApp/template as failed. Previous status: TRANSFER_TIMEOUT

  • The bytes transferred exceeds the size of the disk in the logs:
| DEBUG | task-service-activity-pool-10 | ReceivingSocketImpl    | Resource my-vm-disk.vmdk not fully transferred yet (xxx,xxx,xxx/xxx,xxx,xxx) for transfer session <TASK_UUID>


VMware Cloud Director 10.x
VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 9.x


This issue can occur if an incorrect disk size is specified in the OVF descriptor file being uploaded.


To resolve this issue, ensure the ovf:size parameter in the <References> section of the OVF descriptor file matches the actual size of the VMDK file(s) in bytes, for example:

    <ovf:File ovf:href="disk1.vmdk" ovf:id="disk1" ovf:size="xxxxxxxxx"></ovf:File>