Encountering an error stating "String value has invalid format, value: [VM Name]" when trying to modify VM network or compute details.
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Encountering an error stating "String value has invalid format, value: [VM Name]" when trying to modify VM network or compute details.


Article ID: 322128


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VMware Cloud Director



  • Trying to edit the network on a VM  fails with below error:

Error: [ xxxxxxxa4-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2xxxxxxxxccb ] validation error on field 'updateVm.arg0.name': String value has invalid format, value: [VM Name ]

  • When we try to edit the compute details of the VM, we encounter below error:

Error: [ 8fxxxx7e-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-c5xxxxxx40 ] validation error on field 'updateVAppVmWithStorageClass.arg0.name': String value has invalid format, value: [VM Name ]

  • When we try to edit the compute details of the VM, we encounter below error in VMware Cloud Director UI:

Error: [ 75xxxx4c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-edxxxxxx6c ] validation error on field 'updateVAppVmWithStorageClass.arg0.computerName': String value has invalid format, value: [VM_Name]

  • From the /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/logs/vcloud-container-debug.log, the following entries are seen with respect to name of the VM:

2024-06-07 20:18:15,031 | ERROR | pool-jetty-204972 | AbstractValidationMethodInterceptor | validation error at method VAppService.updateVAppVmWithStorageClass, parameter 2 (field VmSpec.updateVAppVmWithStorageClass.arg0.computerName): String value has invalid format, value: [VM_Name] | requestId=03xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx59,request=POST https://vcd_url/api/vApp/vm-75xxxx4c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-edxxxxxx6c/action/reconfigureVm,requestTime=1707337094832,remoteAddress=ipaddress:54165,userAgent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 ...,accept=application/*+xml;version 39.0.0-alpha


VMware Cloud Director for Service Provider 10.x


Name of the VM has an extra space at the end.

Name of the computer contains underscores. 


  • Edit the VM name and remove the extra space at the end of the name.
  • Vm name can have the spaces in the middle of its strings but not at the end of the name.

Valid Entry: [VM Name]

Invalid entry: [VM Name ]

  • VMware Cloud Director uses DNS rules for computer names. DNS names can contain only alphabetic characters (A-Z), numeric characters (0-9), the minus sign (-), and the period (.).
  • Do not use underscores in computer names.

Valid Entry: [VMName] 

Eg: Testvm01

Invalid entry: [VM_Name]

Eg: Test_vm01

Additional Information


The name of the VM is not matching with the entry in the DB, so when we try to edit the VM properties the errors regarding the string is encountered.