vCloud Usage Meter collection fails with the error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
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vCloud Usage Meter collection fails with the error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint


Article ID: 322100


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VMware Aria Suite


  • vCloud Usage Meter collection fails
  • Collection fails with a duplicate key constraint error
  • In the UM log file, you see entries similar to:

    2023-04-17 16:40:08,295 ERROR [pool-3486-thread-2] collect.Collector$: A collection from, begun at 2023-04-17 16:40:04, failed at 2023-04-17 16:40:08. java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception while executing statement : ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "idx5802080f" errorCode: 0, sqlState: xxxxx insert into "Host" ("id", "licenseId", "uuid", "moref", "dnsName", "vcServerId", "memSize") values (nextval('"s_Host_id"'),?,?,?,?,?,?) jdbcParams:[x,<UUID_1>,host-<UUID_2>,,x,xxxxxxxx]

    Where idx5802080f is a unique key constraint for the combination of vcServerId and moref for hosts

    This log extract includes these details:

    • The ID – (Unique key specific to the DB)
    • The UUID – <UUID_1>
    • The Moref host – <UUID_2> (DB reference)
  • If you run a select statement on the database for this Moref, you see that it has a different UUID

    For example, when you run this command:
    usage_meter_db=# select * from "Host" where moref = 'host-<UUID_2>';
    You see an output similar to:
    id | uuid | vcServerId | moref | dnsName | licenseId | memSize
    xx | <UUID_3> | x | host-<UUID_2> | <HOSTNAME> | x | xxxxxxxx
    In this output, you can see that the UUIDs are different:
    <UUID_3> (UUID Present in the DB)
    <UUID_1> (UUID being inserted)


VMware vCloud Usage Meter 3.x


This issue occurs when the UUID on the host has changed.


Note: Ensure to amend the statement to suit your environment