vCloud Usage Meter 4.8 has collection error - "Failed to collect SPBM usage data"
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vCloud Usage Meter 4.8 has collection error - "Failed to collect SPBM usage data"


Article ID: 322098


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


The following notification is received in vCloud Usage Meter 4.8 web application after a vCenter Server is added for metering: "Failed to collect SPBM usage data"


VMware vCloud Usage Meter 4.x


To resolve this issue, increase the connection timeout values.
  • Take a snapshot of the Usage Meter appliance in vSphere.
  • Log in as root to Usage Meter 4.8 and enable SSH:
service sshd start
  • SSH connect to the appliance as usagemeter
ssh usagemeter@<um-ip-address>
  • Take a backup copy of collection.yml.
cp /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/conf/schedule-executions/collection.yml /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/conf/schedule-executions/collection-backup.yml
  • Edit the config file using the vi editor. Press i to switch to interactive mode.
vi /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/conf/schedule-executions/collection.yml
  • Set the connection timeout to 900000 (15 min):
=> vcReceiveTimeoutMillis="900000"
=> sbpmConnectionTimeoutMillis="900000"
=> sbpmConnectionTimeoutMillis="900000"
  • Save the file by pressing ESC and then entering:
  • Take a backup copy of command.yml.
cp /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/conf/schedule-executions/command.yml /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/conf/schedule-executions/command-backup.yml
  • Edit the config file using the vi editor. Press i to switch to interactive mode.
vi /opt/vmware/cloudusagemetering/platform/conf/schedule-executions/command.yml
  • Replace the values of the below fields:
  • Save the file by pressing ESC and then entering:
  • Restart the appliance as root.
su -