The error can occur on Windows Server 2012 Domain controllers with EDNS enabled or if there are duplicate DNS records for the Aria automation appliances.
As part of installation & upgrades Aria Automation calls a health script located under /opt/health/Makefile.The relevant check for hostname resolution contained in this script is as follows:
single-aptr: eth0-ip
echo Check the ip address if eth0 resolves only to a single hostname
[ 1 -eq $$(/usr/bin/dig +noall +answer +noedns -x $$( iface-ip eth0 ) | grep "PTR" | wc -l ) ]
This health check will fail if it does not receive the expected response from the DNS server:
The command /usr/bin/dig +noall +answer +noedns -x <Aria automation IpAddress> should return a single PTR record as per below: