Changing the VIO - FQDN after initial deployment
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Changing the VIO - FQDN after initial deployment


Article ID: 321870


Updated On:


VMware VMware Integrated OpenStack


This article provides steps to change the initially configured FQDN to a new FQDN. During initial deployment, the hostname of the appliance is used instead of the desired FQDN for public consumption.


VMware Integrated OpenStack 3.0.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 2.0.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 1.0.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 1.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 2.5.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 4.x


For VMware Integrated Openstack pre-3.0

  • PUBLIC_VIP should be replaced with actual public vip used in the deployment.
  • PUBLIC_HOSTNAME should be replaced with the desired hostname.
  1. Log in to management server, switch to root user, and run this command:

    /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U omsdb
  2. Run this query:

    UPDATE node_group SET attributes = regexp_replace(attributes, 'public_hostname":"PUBLIC_VIP"', 'public_hostname":"PUBLIC_HOSTNAME"', 'g') WHERE name = 'LoadBalancer';
  3. Exit omsdb by running this command:

  4. Run vim by running this command:

    viocli show -p (still from root)
  5. Search for this line:

    public_hostname = PUBLIC_VIP

    Replace it with:

    public_hostname = PUBLIC_HOSTNAME
  6. Run viocli deployment configure.

    Note: This will incur some downtime.
  7. Log in to database01 node, switch to root, and run mysql;
  8. Run this query:

    UPDATE endpoint SET url = regexp_replace(url, , 'PUBLIC_VIP', 'PUBLIC_HOSTNAME');

For VMware Integrated Openstack 3.0 thru 4.1

  • The only thing you must update is public_hostname in OMS and run viocli deployment configure.
  • PUBLIC_VIP should be replaced with actual public vip used in the deployment
  • PUBLIC_HOSTNAME should be replaced with the desired hostname
  1. Login to management server
  2. Run this command to enter the database:
sudo /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U omsdb
  1. Run this query for full (HA) deployment:
UPDATE node_group SET attributes = regexp_replace(attributes, 'public_hostname":"<PUBLIC_VIP>"', 'public_hostname":"<PUBLIC_HOSTNAME>"', 'g') WHERE name = 'LoadBalancer';
  1. Run this query for compact mode deployment:
UPDATE node_group SET attributes = regexp_replace(attributes, 'public_hostname":"<PUBLIC_VIP>"', 'public_hostname":"<PUBLIC_HOSTNAME>"', 'g') WHERE name = 'ControlPlane';
  1. Run this command to exit the database:
\q  and hit Enter
  1. Run this command:
sudo viocli show -p
  1. Open the file from the previous command in a text editor.
  2. Search for the "public_hostname = <PUBLIC_VIP>" line.  Replace it with "public_hostname = <PUBLIC_HOSTNAME>"
  3. Run this command to push the configuration to your VMware Integrated Openstack deployment.
NOTE:  This will incur some downtime.
sudo viocli deployment configure

Additional Information

初期導入後の VIO - FQDN の変更

Note:  This procedure modifies the database.  Ensure to take a backup of the database before proceeding.