VIO is not compatible with NSX-v 6.4.7 due to multiple scale issues
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VIO is not compatible with NSX-v 6.4.7 due to multiple scale issues


Article ID: 321843


Updated On:


VMware VMware Integrated OpenStack


  • VMware Integrated Openstack upgrade from VIO to VIO 6.0 with NSX-v 6.4.7 is failing
  • VMware Integrated Openstack upgrade from VIO to VIO 7.0 with NSX-v 6.4.7 is failing
  • In logs for the disc-vcenter-vcenter1-xxxx pod, you see entries similar to:
osctl logs disc-vcenter-vcenter1-da674afd-c2bc-4c24-94cf-ac4dab0480dawvpg5

time="2020-06-16T11:00:27Z" level=info msg="successfully created k8sClientSet"
time="2020-06-16T11:00:27.718Z" level=warning msg="Discovery is pending initialization" kind=Discovery name=vcenter-vcenter1 namespace=openstack
hostname= insecure=true instanceUuid=7b957980-4182-4cf8-a9b2-daed04a3217e [email protected]
time="2020-06-16T11:00:45.783Z" level=info msg="terminated session" apiType=VirtualCenter appVM=vm-6718 hostname= insecure=true instanceUuid=7b957980-4182-4cf8-a9b2-daed04a3217e [email protected]
time="2020-06-16T11:00:46.561Z" level=error msg="Discovery 'vcenter-vcenter1' (namespace: openstack) failed while updating server-side object with err (Request entity too large: limit is 3145728)" kind=Discovery name=vcenter-vcenter1 namespace=openstack
time="2020-06-16T11:00:46.569Z" level=fatal msg="encountered error during discovery: Discovery 'vcenter-vcenter1' (namespace: openstack) failed while updating server-side object with err (Request entity too large: limit is 3145728)"

Note: The preceding log excerpts are only examples. Date, time, and environmental variables may vary depending on your environment.


VMware Integrated Openstack 7.x
VMware Integrated OpenStack 6.x


This is VIO LCM issue from discovery side. The root cause is the maximal data size (2 MB) sent from kubernetes to etcd.  


This is a known issue affecting VMware Integrated Openstack 6.x.
This is fixed in VMware Integrated Openstack 7.0.1, available at VMware downloads .

We should be recommending customers go from 5.1 to 7.0.1.