Depending on Service Desk version, there are different procedures to follow to enable debug. This helps research on integration problems between Spectrum and Service Desk.
1) Debug SD side before 12.7 (12.6 for example):
Modify file under following directory:
\Program Files\CA\Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE\webapps\CAisd\WEB-INF\
Change all parameters from: INFO to DEBUG and restart Tomcat service:
Run: pdm_tomcat_nxd -c stop"
wait for the stop-completed message to be written to the current stdlog file
Run: pdm_tomcat_nxd - c start
Logs will go to the existing files under Service Desk\log\. directory.
2) DEBUG SD side (12.7 and up):
Just execute following command under Service Desk\bin\. directory:
pdm_log4j_config.cmd -f SDM_WEB -a -l DEBUG
This should come back with a line like: "Successfully updated logger configuration."
To verify it worked, we can then run this command:
pdm_log4j_config.cmd -f SDM_WEB -d
It should return output like the following:
C:\PROGRA~2\CA\SERVIC~1\bin>pdm_log4j_config.cmd -f SDM_WEB -d
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, jsrvrlog
(where the first line says "DEBUG" instead of "INFO". )
These commands will go into effect immediately and will log to the existing files under Service Desk\log\.
To disable, just run:
pdm_log4j_config.cmd -f SDM_WEB -a -l INFO