How enable debug at Service Desk side for integration problems
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How enable debug at Service Desk side for integration problems


Article ID: 32172


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Depending on Service Desk version, there are different procedures to follow to enable debug.  This helps research on integration problems between Spectrum and Service Desk. 


Component: SPCINT


1) Debug SD side before 12.7 (12.6 for example):

Modify file under following directory:

\Program Files\CA\Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE\webapps\CAisd\WEB-INF\


Change all parameters from:  INFO to DEBUG and restart Tomcat service: 

Run: pdm_tomcat_nxd -c stop"

wait for the stop-completed message to be written to the current stdlog file

Run: pdm_tomcat_nxd - c start


Logs will go to the existing files under Service Desk\log\. directory. 


2) DEBUG SD side (12.7 and up):

Just execute following command under Service Desk\bin\. directory: 

pdm_log4j_config.cmd -f SDM_WEB -a -l DEBUG 


This should come back with a line like: "Successfully updated logger configuration."  

To verify it worked, we can then run this command: 

pdm_log4j_config.cmd -f SDM_WEB -d 


It should return output like the following:  

C:\PROGRA~2\CA\SERVIC~1\bin>pdm_log4j_config.cmd -f SDM_WEB -d 

log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, jsrvrlog 



(where the first line says "DEBUG" instead of "INFO". )


These commands will go into effect immediately and will log to the existing files under Service Desk\log\. 


To disable, just run: 

pdm_log4j_config.cmd -f SDM_WEB -a -l INFO