This issue is fixed in HCX 4.8.0 version.
As a workaround, user is recommended to follow below steps:
- Please ensure the network connectivity should be restored between HCX Manager and all respective NE Appliance to avoid getting into this condition.
- If environment is highly unstable, then recommendation is to disable NDD service running inside HCX NE Appliance.
- Login to HCX Manager admin console >> ccli >> list >> go [NE_Appliance] >> ssh
# systemctl stop ndd
# systemctl disable ndd
Note: Please apply the above step to all NE Appliances where OOM condition has been observed.
IMPORTANT: After disabling NDD service from NE Appliance VM, there won't be any impact in the system from traffic forwarding and stability perspective. However, Transport Analytics feature won't be functional after disabling NDD service for those NE Appliances. On-Demand bandwidth testing can be used as an alternative to the Transport Analytics feature instead.