This KB details how to configure a new Service Desk Manager secondary server using the Web interface
Release: CA Service Desk Manager 17.3 and 17.4 and higher
In order to add a new domsrvr and webengine on the secondary server, please follow the below steps:
1) Install and configure Service Desk on a secondary server.
2) Log into a Service Desk primary server using Service Desk administrator account.
3) Go to 'System' > 'Servers' on [Administration] tab.
4) Click on <Create New> button.
5) Type a Secondary server host name and select "Secondary Server" in Server Type dropdown list. Click on <Save> button.
NOTE: server name is case sensitive. Run the command "hostname" in the Command Prompt and check a correct host (server) name.
6) Go to 'System' > 'Configurations' and click on <Create New>.
7) Type a preferred name in the Configuration Name field and select the primary server in the Host Name Lookup field.
NOTE: The Configuration Name is displayed in the selection of the last step if the configuration – Config Options "Server Processes Configuration".
8) Add an Object Manager on the secondary server.
8a. On the Configuration Detail screen, open [Object Managers] tab and click on <Add Object Manager> button.
8b. Select the secondary server name in the Host Name Lookup field and save it.
9) Add a Web engine on the secondary server.
9a. On the Configuration Detail screen, open [Web Engines/Web Directors] tab and click on <Add Web Engine/Web Director> button.
9b. Select "Web Engine" from 'Type' drop down list and select the secondary server in the Host Name Lookup field.
9c. Select "Choose..." from 'Object Manager' dropdown list and click on <Update Object Managers> button.
9d. Select the Object Manager on the secondary server and click >> button to add the Object Manager. Click on <OK> button.
9e. Click on <Save> button.
10) Run pdm_configure on the primary server.
NOTE: Ensure that the secondary server is up and running.
Proceed the configuration at the end of the configuration step and select Configuration Name you created on the step 7). Click on <Finish> button.
How to Configure the Web Interface
Note: This article assumes the secondary server will host one domsrvr/webengine pair. Configurations may vary depending on the secondary server's intended purpose. Broadcom Support is not permitted to advise or assist in designing and configuring your architecture.