What field and how many bytes are used for GSO OPTS record option STAMPSMF? What happens to the CA-7 data and what will CA-7 do?
In the GSO record OPTS, there is a filed STAMPSMF|NOSTAMPSMF. If the CA ACF2 option STAMPSMF is turned on, CA ACF2 will update ALL SMF records on the system with the logonid of the user. The field is the User Identification field that has various names depending on what the SMF record is. The field name may be JMRUSEID, SMF30RUD, or JCTUSEID among other ones. Since logonids are 8 bytes long, that is the length updated by CA ACF2. According to CA-7 issues, if the CA ACF2 option is turned on, then CA-7 will be unable to track jobs since CA ACF2 does it's update last and will overlay anything CA-7 puts in the SMF field. CA JARS may be using this field also.