What other 'ENF dependent' STCs will also need to be recycled when adding new or will those products dynamically re-connect to the ENF STC once it is again active?
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What other 'ENF dependent' STCs will also need to be recycled when adding new or will those products dynamically re-connect to the ENF STC once it is again active?


Article ID: 32100


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 I am updating Common Services for z/OS ENF PARM CICSREL to add new CICS/TS release values (example:'68' for CICS/TS 5.1 and '69' for CICS/TS 5.2) and trying to find out exactly what will be required to recycle the ENF STC. 

What other 'ENF dependent' STCs will also need to be recycled or will those products dynamically reconnect to the ENF STC once it is again active? 

I know we are running CA-7, CA-11, and Datacom which I believe all depend on ENF services as well as our CICS tasks.

So what commands can I issue if any of verify who is ENF dependent and will all those STCs need to be recycled along with ENF?




Common Services  


You need to update your CICSREL parameter with 68 and 69, then stop and restart ENF with the following commands to activate the change:

P ENF - command to stop the ENF address space. Will need to respond 'Y' to WTOR prompt

S ENF,,,REINIT - command to start the ENF address space with the REINIT option


Additional Information

About CA-7 product: 

Before recycling ENF, you should check that no CA-7 controlled batch jobs are running and classes are held. This will ensure proper tracking of jobs.

There is no need to recycle CA-7 product after ENF recycle.

About CA-11 product:

CA-11 does not utilize ENF so you don't have to recycle CA-11 product after ENF recycle. 


About Datacom product:

There is NO need to recycle the external MUF after ENF recycle.

CA Datacom is dependent only on CAIRIM/CAMASTER components, not on ENF.


About your CICS:

There is no requirement to stop your CICS before/after the ENF recycle. If you are using ENF/CICS for external security for CA-Top Secret/CICS or CA-ACF2/CICS there will be no interruption to your security environment within the CICS regions.


For further information on CICREL, refer to the Common Services Reference Guide